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I’m Sure They Have Their Reasons.

June 24, 2011


Don't worry. FedEx totally knows what they're doing.

My cats are nocturnal. I am not.

May 5, 2011


I drew up this very informative chart using Excel. I think it explains pretty cleary what sorts of activities my cats enjoy and at what times of day they enjoy those activities. Most of my cats’ day revolves around sleeping, food, and crinkle toys. According to my boyfriend (back when he was unemployed and spent […]

A Formal Appology to my Loyal Readership

May 3, 2011


I would like to issue a formal apology to my loyal readership. It has recently come to my attention that I have not posted anything to this blog in nearly a month. I feel compelled to write something regarding this oversight, but therein lies the problem. What to write? If I knew the answer to this […]

The Mafia Come to my Home Town

April 12, 2011


It is no secret to anyone who knows me (including my boss) that I’m looking for a new job. It’s nothing nefarious or gossip-worthy. I’ve simply outgrown my current position and want to put that hard-earned graduate degree to good use. But you don’t really care about that. Nor should you. What you should care […]

What the Hell Facebook?

April 4, 2011


I was catching up on all the Facebook activity from over the weekend, and noticed this advertisement on the side of the screen. I’m going to take this as proof that facebook is NOT actually collecting information about me without my knowledge or consent. Because if they were, they would know that I’m not particularly interested in either […]

Vaginas Just Aren’t A Laughing Matter.

March 30, 2011


But anyway, women aren’t funny. And I’m inclined to agree. As Mr. Hitchens points out, most women are too worried about having and raising babies, and this renders us more serious and preoccupied with issues of life and death than men. I’m honestly surprised that our gender can even remember to turn off the stove at night, with all the terribly important “preserving the species” that we accomplish every day.

How to Procure an Accidental Hangover

March 2, 2011


Sometimes having to endure an 8-hour day at your job just isn’t quite HARD enough. Sometimes it feels like you aren’t really being CHALLENGED. What I’ve found really helps with this dilemma is to come to work hung over. This really ups the ante, so to speak, and makes you feel like a real winner […]

What Just Happened? A Flowchart.

February 16, 2011


This flowchart is to be used during those time when you aren’t sure what just happened.

The Pool at the Gym is My New Zombie Training Ground

February 9, 2011


Back in December, I decided to beat the New Year’s rush of resolutions, and join the gym. I thought if I could get ahead of the curve, then MY ambitions would be genuine and not just some side effect of an arbitrary date in the middle of winter when everyone decides to be better people. […]

Unfortunate Forecast

January 26, 2011


I’m driving to the Lake Tahoe region this weekend for a wedding. I wanted to check on the weather to see what type of road conditions I was in for. I got a forecast I wasn’t exactly prepared for…but I guess now I’ll know to bring the Pepto.

Christmas Candy and other Nefarious Affairs

December 21, 2010


So yeah. Here's the deal. I'm hopped up on a lot of sugar. I mean A LOT of sugar. Like, 2/3 of my sugar consumption for the year happens in the three days leading up to Christmas. And the reason is almost entirely work-related. You see, in the three days leading up to Christmas, there is often a tragic and unavoidable convergence of events that almost always leads up to the exact same result. Namely, me feeling like crap and wishing I could travel back in time.

Open letter to the A**Hole Driver in a Snow Storm

November 23, 2010


Dear A**Hole Driver, Now that the first major snow of the season is upon us, I think we need to have a little chat, about your attitude, about your behavior. I know you’re likely a transplant from California, and I can’t say I blame you. Idaho is a gorgeous state with a lot to offer […]

A Public Service Announcement

November 16, 2010


I felt compelled to post this public service announcement after a particularly annoying and unpleasant encounter in the break room today. Thank you for taking the time to read it and for helping me make the world a better place for tall women everywhere.

A Word on Workplace Safety.

November 2, 2010


Yesterday at the office we had our monthly staff meeting wherein the higher-ups inform the lower-downs what’s what. In addition to telling us we now have to fill out our leave slips differently, we also got a little informative lecture on workplace safety. According to the literature they handed out, your chances of having a […]

NaNoWriMo is the least of my problems.

October 29, 2010


I'm pretty sure I'm insane. And I'm pretty sure all my readers are going to suffer for it. Can I write a novel in one month, starting from scratch? Well I have no idea. But we're all about to find out.